General Paper

Describe what this subject is about

"GP is not a mere language subject but it is a subject where one can explore different subject areas in the society such as Identity, Environment, Politics etc. " --- Senior E.C. (NJC)

" This subject is primarily language-based but also involves good knowledge of current affairs (to give examples of current affairs in essays)." --- (VJC)

What does learning this subject entail?

"Learning this subject allows students to be exposed to current affairs, both locally and internationally. Additionally, it teaches students to think in a critical and logical manner, and also to be open-minded to differing opinions. " --- Senior E.C. (NJC)

"This subject requires good paraphrasing skills, reading news regularly so that there are sufficient and up to date examples to be used in essays (should try to read several articles a week, try to categories them into diff topics eg education, gender inequality) and good discursive writing abilities to present different viewpoints to name a few." --- (VJC)

What is the difference in rigour between JC and secondary school?

"JC english (GP) is definitely more rigorous than secondary school english as students are expected to be more opinionated and able to form arguments without making much logical fallacies in both Paper 1 (essay) and P2 (Application Question). It also expects students to be well-read and have current affairs at their fingertips." --- Senior E.C. (NJC)

"Harder to score than secondary school English.
Paper 1:
- giving examples are almost compulsory and we need a few examples to substantiate one point
Paper 2:
- definitely requires more knowledge on current affairs and stronger language abilities
- more emphasis on language than in sec sch (there’s a content mark for the entire paper 2)
- paraphrasing is a must, it’s no longer optional" --- (VJC)