More about NJC
Seniors' Answers

Brief description of National Junior College

National Junior College was founded in 1969. It aims to nurture students who demonstrate loyalty with integrity, scholarship with creativity, leadership with sensitivity and service with honour. Some key programmes they have include the Enhanced Boarding Programme and Research Programme. The former aims to instill a deep sense of responsibility to the community and nation, excellent character, sound leadership and a passion for the pursuit of knowledge and interest in students. The latter provides students research opportunities in Science, Mathematics, Computing, Sports Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences. Students will get the opportunity to work with international scientists at local research and academic institutes, and collaborate with peers from high schools from around the world.

Describe Your School Culture/Spirit:

Family-like. The school often emphasises about being a family, supporting one another. " --- Senior K

How is the academic rigour? Is it competitive? Is everyone fixated on results?

There are obviously the competitive people but people here are generally really chill even though we do mug for our exams (it is not really in a competitive way ba) " ---Senior K

Was the competition to get into a CCA tough?

You will confirm get into a cca here... there aren't trials/interviews for ccas here at all...except for very few ccas such as badminton and interact " ---Senior K

What are some special traditions/activities your school has? Which is your favourite?

Road run, funtasia (once every two years) i don't really have any favourites as I'm pretty neutral and non participative about this kinda thing... " ---Senior K

Are there any leadership opportunities in your school. If so, could you elaborate on some of these opportunities? And is it competitive to get a leadership position?

Not really?? I didn't go for any leadership positions this year so I cannot tell...but for jae it will obviously be harder especially if the cca has a high school wing since the teachers already know the ip people since like sec 1 " ---Senior K

What is the class size and gender ratio?

It depends on subject combi. Arts is like 1 guy to 10+ girls. In general, there are more girls here. " ---Senior K

Are the tutors easy to approach? Are they open for consultations?

They are very open for consultations and very easy to approach! You can just text them to ask questions. " ---Senior K