More about NA Poly
Seniors' Answers

Brief description of Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Ngee Ann Polytechnic was founded in 1963, currently offering 39 full-time diploma courses and 3 common entry programmes. NP prides itself on its programmes that enthuse students with a love of learning and equip them with the skills to thrive in the workforce of the future. Known for their programs and facilities that support entrepreneurship, they have a campus ecosystem, Global Entrepreneurship Internship Programme, The Sandbox alongside many others to cultivate the entrepreneurship spirit in students.

Why did you choose polytechnic instead of JC?

" I heard that in poly you get to learn more about “the real world” for example you will get to learn things that you can directly apply when you work in the industry in the future unlike in jc if you learn math, you wont really apply the math formulas when you work " --- Senior J

To be honest, up till Sec 4, I was kinda always betting on going to JC and just working through it like every other girl in my secondary school. I didn’t really consider polytechnic at all until the Tertiary Education Propaganda started flooding in(aka school brochures). I read through some of them and decided that I would at least consider polytechnic instead of zeroing in on JC. When I was flipping through the brochures, one of the courses caught my eye, which was the Diploma in Sustainable Urban Design and Engineering from Ngee Ann Polytechnic(sadly the course was discontinued as it was merged with another diploma course). However, it helped me realise that I could be doing my part to give back to the community through getting a polytechnic education that would allow me to qualify for internships that A Level students may not qualify for (aka entering workforce earlier and maybe doing something productive with my life instead of mugging nonstop) Especially after O Levels, I was feeling extremely worn out and I realised that if I were to continue taking the same subjects that I did at O Levels(which is basically everything except HCL and Lit) at JC level, I would undoubtedly have a heart attack. Especially since I’d have to be studying the same subjects for 2 years straight, it really turned me off from JC. In poly, modules usually vary from semester to semester, so it would’ve provided a refreshing change from the rigour and monotonous nature of studying in JC." --- Senior R

Why did you choose Ngee Ann Polytechnic instead of other polytechnics?

I chose it because it is near my house " ---Senior J

Funnily enough, I only considered 2 out of the 5 polytechnics in Singapore when I was choosing my school. I had some pre-conceptions about each school, and had heard alot online about each school’s specialties. If I remember correctly, they are: NYP-ICT, TP-Design, RP-Sports and Wellness, NP-Business/Nursing, SP-Engineering. However, it is also widely regarded that NP and SP are the top 2 polys in Singapore. So I kinda just went with those 2. Although SP is said to be better than NP as it had newer and industry standard technologies in their labs, their open house really let me down as it was messy and I felt that the atmosphere was not right for me. The NP open house brought a dramatic contrast, as my friends and I were warmly welcomed upon entering the school. When I spoke to students from various courses, there was an obvious passion and dedication to their craft, and the hope that one day I could be like them just really drew me to NP." --- Senior R

What made you choose (course name) and could you give a short intro to it?

I read through the course outline thing on ngee ann's website and the courses i will be taking and the things i get to learn seemed interesting. It is basically a course that oversees the hotel management and for now, we actually get to learn abit about f&b, mechanical facilities, business contract law, customer relationship management, which will definitely help me if i were to work in that industry in the future. " ---Senior J

Like I said earlier, the course I wanted to go to got discontinued(still exists, just that it is no longer accepting new students into that particular diploma course). I was already considering cybersecurity as an alternative due to the spike in cyberattacks in 2018/2019 i.e singhealth, so I just wanted to do my part to help mitigate the damage. There were also a lot of online advertisements encouraging youths to pursue careers in cybersecurity, so I knew there was definitely a viable job market in that field and would enjoy job security in the future. A short intro to my course is that it aims to transform students in cybersecurity professionals by providing them with the knowledge to fight cybercrime. " --- Senior R

Describe your schools' culture/school spirit

I guess the people are generally very friendly. Like my CCA seniors are really nice and inclusive, and are really just trying to be your friend? " ---Senior J

Surprisingly enthusiastic, even for a school of ICT students. When I went for orientation, the seniors were passionate and readily share their experiences from Year 1. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg as I’ve only been to school ONCE." --- Senior R

How is the academic rigour? Is it competitive? Is everyone fixated on results?

im not really sure about this yet as so far, the tests we had are online and it was mainly HBL so im not really sure..." ---Senior J

Grades are only returned at the end of the semester, and unlike JC, poly changes modules every semester. so there’s really no way to compete. I would say that there is rigour in having to work continuously. In JC, it’s the same. Grind never stops. And much like JC, there are also periods where you’re seasonally busier than others. I’d say that for now though, I’m significantly less busy than my peers in JC." --- Senior R

What is the class size and gender ratio of (your course)?

There are 25 people in my class, 13 girls, 12 guys " ---Senior J

In both classes there are currently 26 students, with 4 of girls. 4/26 isn’t great, but it’s not too bad either." --- Senior R

Was the competition to get into a CCA tough?

Not at all. I am not sure if it is because of covid or because I had CCA background but I don't think there were trials. You just had to indicate your interest and they will contact you about trainings and you can see if you want to join or not. " ---Senior J

Nope. Not hard at all. Some CCAs have trials but it’s the same as JC. I got accepted into mine without trials but some such as Choir and Ulti do have CCA trials." --- Senior R

What are some special traditions/activities your school has? Which is your favourite?

My CCA senior told me they had camps but I am not really sure because it got cancelled because of covid. " ---Senior J

All I know is that there’s RED camp and open house" --- Senior R

Are lecturers easy to approach and open for consultations?

Yup, they all seem really nice and they give the vibe that they just want to help you so if your studies are lagging behind they will let you know and will talk to you on how you can help them. As for consultations, even though its break week or holidays, if you need consultation for your group work, you can just drop them a text and if they are available they will help you. " ---Senior J

Definitely. Especially given the COVID-19 situation, our only way to contact them is via Internet. It’s safe to say most of them are readily contactable, either via email, MSTeams, Telegram or Whatsapp. " --- Senior R

Typical school day:

For this semester:
Monday: 11-1 module 1, 2-4 module 2, 4-6 module 3
Tuesday: 9-11 module 4, 2-6 module 1
Wednesday: 10-12 IS CORE, 1-3 IS CORE
Thursday: 9-11 module 5, 12-3 module 4 " --- Senior R