More about DHS
Seniors' Answers

Brief description of Dunman High School

Dunman High School also known as 德明政府中学 prides itself as “The premier school of Leaders of Honour.” where our school motto emphasises the importance of honesty, trustworthiness, moral courage and loyalty. Formalities aside, one of the interesting things about DHS is the general light-heartedness of studying here. Students find the pace of life In Dunman different (admittedly slower) from other “more competitive” schools, giving one more time and space to explore other aspects of life.

Cut-off Point: Arts-10 , Science-9

Describe Your School Culture/Spirit:

Warm/Family-like everyone constantly looks out for and takes care of one another. One example is like how most students will stay back in sch to study together and in fact this is something we've always encouraged. I am not too sure if other schools do this, but we try to provide snacks for students after canteen stalls close, especially when it is closer to exam period. The teachers will try and cater in some bentos too." --- Senior K

How is the academic rigour? Is it competitive? Is everyone fixated on results?

It is really highly subjective. First and foremost, it is based on the class. This is more common for our junior high side but we will always have 1-3 competitive classes. I can't say for all but I think we have a really strong balance of academic rigour and holistic development. We actually try and strike this balance through things like our talent development programme! In this programme, we try and provide students with a range of programmes that they can select:)" ---Senior K

Was the competition to get into a CCA tough?

In general, yes there will be some form of interview/trial. But is it tough to get in? I would say no. Our cca emphasise on learning attitude and we almost never require students to have background knowledge/experience before joining the cca. However, I think there is always a certain amount of competition because thr is a limit to how many we can take in.
Personally, my route to a CCA was a unique path so it is something I cannot compare. To set some context, my role is something most jcs wouldn't have and it is maybe more similar to like a student body president. I am actually relatively independent of student council. For how i got into this role, it is through a campaign season where I campaigned against 3 more people. The campaign for me involved initiatives and speeches followed by stuff I did by myself like going around the sch to interact with more students. it was then followed up with a school-wide vote. so it was definitely competitve to get into my so-called desired cca haha" ---Senior K

What are some special traditions/activities your school has? Which is your favourite?

Dunman Day/Week, an end of year celebration initiated as a joint collaboration between the Executive President and the Student Council" ---Senior K

What is the class size and gender ratio generally?

Class size is 15-25, though there are slightly larger classes like mine with 27 students. For gender ratio, it depends on subject combination. " ---Senior K

Are there any leadership opportunities in your school. If so, could you elaborate on some of these opportunities? And is it competitive to get a leadership position?

Yes, there are leadership opportunities. Our schools student leadership structure is relatively broad, spanning from the Student Council, Sports Leaders, CCA Leaders, Class committees etc. It is in fact not so competitive as our school provides a large amount of opportunities and we encourage the idea that everyone is a leader in their own right. We also provide a structured training module for leaders (currently for the Junior High Year 3s). " ---Senior K