More about ACJC
Seniors' Answers

Brief description of Anglo-Chinese Junior College

Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) was established in 1977 and is a Methodist institution committed to an all-round education of the highest standards based on Christian principles. The college motto is “The best is yet to be” which is a reminder for all ACSians to always strive for better performance even after achieving success, encouraging a humble posture among students. The college also aims to inculcate values such as integrity, tenacity and passion among students in order for them to make a difference. Students in ACJC come from a variety of secondary schools and it is not part of an integrated programme.

Describe Your School Culture/Spirit:

I think we have quite a good balance between studies and play. Acjc is also known as a party school and honestly it is not wrong but then the people also do study and will do well in their studies. I guess in a way that is good cause it's not like some other schools where the ppl just mug and mug but we have rlly fun people who studies well too.
School spirit isn't that good HAHA (I feel) we don't rlly have a sports days where we cheer and all it only lasts during orientation" --- Senior D

I’d say the stereotype of acjc as a party school is pretty accurate, but I like the fact that a lot of people here tend to have a ‘play hard, work hard mentality’; it’s really common to see people spending weekends out with friends, but equally common to see people spending hours cramming in the void deck. In terms of school spirit, admittedly I don’t think it’s very strong, but I think the school merch helps bring people together HAHAHA getting collegiates, dragon tees & jackets were a pretty big deal for a lot of people I knew and I think that kind of helped foster school spirit, as superficial as that might sound. As for school culture, I think unfortunately AC can breed a type of mentality that leans towards being more superficial - a lot of people place emphasis on their appearances, and looks + clout/reputation tends to be a big deal in AC. And gossip tends to spread quite fast, you’ll hear stories of people you don’t even know but are your friend’s friend’s friend and so on, so forth. To be fair I don’t rlly have other schools to compare it to, but I think that yeah thats the case for AC. Oh one thing I really like about AC is that it’s really easy to make mutual friends! People can be intimidating, but it’s also super easy to start talking to people and making friends just by hanging around and being open to meeting new people. It’s super easy to strike up conversations and say hi to people you don’t even share classes with by way of mutual friends, and I really like that; it makes the huge cohort feel a little more friendly and welcoming :-)" --- Senior H

How is the academic rigour? Is it competitive? Is everyone fixated on results?

It's not like very academic but it's also still not too bad. Our school focuses quite alot on ccas especially sports (we got q a few win first at nationals so they needa keep that reputation) " ---Senior D

I don’t think AC particularly makes results stressful; yes there is of course an emphasis on results given that people do work quite hard here, but I don’t think academic competition is especially a big deal in AC, so I wouldn’t consider it very noteworthy. For the most part, people that I’ve met do tend to be quite mindful about their grades and put emphasis into bettering their academics, but no one super super crazy and onz so far HAHAHA. As for academic rigour, errr I think the school is quite chill and teachers don’t actively push you to do super well, but they are helpful in providing resources so it’s more of a OTOT type situation. I think that AC can be stressful, but I’d attribute that to more of the jump in rigour from sec sch to JC rather than anything specific about acjc." --- Senior H

Was the competition to get into a CCA tough?

Depends on which cca. It is very different across the different ccas. For those that have reputation of winning at nationals then yes if not then some don't even have audition " ---Senior D

It depends! For the most part, I don’t think so; pretty much only certain sports CCAs come to mind - performing arts are relatively accepting, and clubs will pretty much take most people. I think only the CCAs that consistently perform well are hard to get into, like squash and softball. I mean sports in general do require selection processes, but generally speaking I’d say CCAs are not really competitive - nothing too crazy. In fact I think compared to other schools AC’s CCA system is quite lax already, and it’s really common to hear of people being in 2-3 CCAs anyway." --- Senior H

Is getting a leadership position tough in both class and CCA? Are there many who want a leadership position?

Being an ogl is very hard cause there's rlly alot of ppl that want to be so tats hard. Class leadership is q easy as long as u volunteer most likely u will get. I'm not too sure about Cca I think u need to be decent in the sport/music/skill to at least qualify but there are many rounds of the selection process" ---Senior D

In class, I don’t think so? Bc there’s pretty much only one legitimate/officially recognised leadership role (you get a badge la) which is class rep. So no for class. But for CCA, yes, I’ve seen & heard of lots of politics happen in the process of electing exco. So yeah I guess there are a lot of people who want leadership positions HAHAHAHA. It probably comes w AC culture of people who want to be all-rounders/are zai and such. " --- Senior H

What are some of the most enjoyable things you enjoy doing in school?

I think i made some rlly good friends in AC I enjoy my time with them the most." ---Senior D

Oh actually there were a lot of factors but wah if I really had to decide, I think it would be learning how to be an independent student. My secondary school really mollycoddled me and so it was a big shock when teachers were super chill about late submissions and would just tell us to go home and read our notes without them running through it first. And if we were late or didn’t hand in homework or flouted the rules, my teachers were pretty lax in calling us out on it also. It was just really novel to me that I wasn’t being micro-managed any more, and that if I didn’t take initiative to prep for the tutorial for class or tell me to hand in admin forms, no one was going to call me out on it so I’d really have to take charge of my own to-dos. But wahh I really think another big factor was also the big cohort; seeing new faces every single day was a big culture shock for me cause I was in the same sch for 10 years HAHA it was just a novel feeling having to adjust to feeling a bit more independent and the school feeling less like home and more of an educational institution." ---Senior D

What are some special traditions/activities your school has? Which is your favourite?

We have Fun-o-rama carnival once every 2 yrs, chapels every Monday. " ---Senior D

Errr. Not that I know of HAHHAHAHA. If I had to pick I’d say probably the huge emphasis on trying to insert AC colours/values into everything. Like how the principal’s slides will have AC inserted into everyth possible, or school colours form the basis for a lot of things like the PE rankings LOL. " --- Senior H

How is the process of choosing your subject combi? Is it very flexible? Are many denied their choice of subject combi or do many get what they wanted?

Our school is one of the most flexible and offers one of the most combinations among many other schools. It's rlly rlly very flexible they try to accommodate ur combi as much as possible.
They will give u intro lectures when u first join in j1 during ori time so tat really helps. " ---Senior D

Why did you choose ACJC?

I was from an affiliated school so that helped streamline my decision a lot, but more importantly AC is a Christian school! It was rlly important to me that I went to a mission school especially being from one for 10 years, so AC was a no-brainer. AC also offers ELL which I wanted to pursue, and only 2 other JCs offer ELL. Plus the free subj combi appealed to me because not only did I want to take ELL but I wanted to take a relatively unusual subj combi, so I didn’t wanna be shackled to subjects I wasn’t passionate about. So the only school that meets all of those criteria is AC, thank God my L1R5 was good enough to come here yay!! :-) " ---Senior H